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Introduce the factors that affect the power of the slurry pump.

The nature of the slurry delivered by the slurry pump. The size of the solid particles in the slurry, the concentration and viscosity of the slurry are the main factors that affect the power of the slurry pump. The larger the solid particles in the slurry, the greater the kinetic energy that impacts the slurry pump's flow components, and the greater the kinetic energy lost by the motor due to the impact of the solid particles, so the greater the power of the slurry pump is required. The greater the concentration of the slurry, the more times there will be impacts on the flow parts of the slurry pump per unit time, and the greater the energy loss of the motor due to the impact of solid particles on the flow parts, the greater the power of the slurry pump required, but it should be increased appropriately The concentration of the slurry pump can effectively reduce the motor power per ton of solid particles. The greater the viscosity of the slurry, the greater the viscous resistance of the slurry in the pump body, and the greater the motor power required.

Model specification and manufacturer of slurry pump. Generally speaking, the larger the size of the slurry pump, the greater the motor power required. Slurry pumps that transport high-concentration and highly corrosive slurry have a relatively large motor power. Slurry pumps with good reputation from slurry pump manufacturers have lower motor power under the same production conditions.

Operating factors such as flow and head during the operation of the slurry pump. If the slurry pump is idling during operation, not only will the motor do a lot of useless work, but it may also damage the slurry pump. The flow rate of the slurry pump is kept stable during the production process, that is, the stability of the liquid level in the pump pool can be effectively improved The useful power of the slurry pump. The greater the head that the slurry pump needs to transport during operation, the greater the power consumption of the slurry pump, and the relationship between the power and head of the slurry pump is mutually influential.
